Thursday, August 13, 2009


i found my file and books..
the most important is my PENAL CODE & MOLLY CHEANG's law book
thanks to god

i promise to myself not to be careless again..
this is my vow..

now, i can walk and talk happily
without any worries..


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


today maybe is the worse day in my life....

firstly, i lost my file & books (my PENAL CODE and law book)
next, i lost my voice due to continuous coughing..
haze everywhere makes my eyes aching

i hope this will stop immediately
i hate being in this state for any longer time
i want my PENAL CODE & law book
and also get well ASAP
all this things is torturing me

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


bangun pepagi...
terus tgk enfon.. ala, dah pukul 7.30 pg!
dengan malasnyew turun dari katil dan ikat rambut.

mase nak gi kelas..
semangat betol. first person yg dah get ready to study..
tgk kat luar.. suasane sejuk dan nyaman skali
maklumlah baru pas ujan..
terase cam nak balik bilik tido pown ader.. hehe

sampai kat kelas kul 8.59
fuh! naseb bek sempat smpai..
bile bukak jew pintu...
whoosh~ bunyi angin air-cond bertiup..
maknenyew xder org lagi lar yg datang..
ish3.. kelas awal pagi la katekan..

hampir 20 minit tunggu..
barula madam datang
naseb bek tak chow lagi..
hehe... selamat~

blaja lam suasane yang extremely freezing
wat mate telelap and mulut menguap
jari tangan and kaki x payah ceriter la..
cam nk tercabut kesejukan.

bile bis jew study..
menonong jer masuk lab
online plurk and facebook..
terpikir lak nak post blog
tu yang terhasilnyew coretan neyh.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my first day....

never thought to start blogging...
since i'm a newbie in this forum, it is highly appreciated that my presence is warmly accepted by everyone.
that all for now..